1:The way to call the general Shoora: Since the special shoora comprised only few mem…
Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A.)as the second Caliph of Islam: After consulting the shoora a…
1:Background: Hazrat Umar (R.A.) belonged to "Adi"family of Quraish tribe.In…
1:Army and it's administration: There was no Islamic regular force during the tim…
1.Democratic way of His government: Hazrat Abu Bakar As-Siddique (R.A.)gave the first…
1.Abu Bakar(R.A.),a Saviour of Islam: As -Sidique Al Akbar (R.A.)took the office of C…
1.A battle of chains: Hair was the place where the first battle between the Muslims an…
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