Introduction: Origin and development of Sufism: Sufism has been described in many diff…
Introduction: Ibn Sina was born in 980 C.E. in the village of Afshana near Bukhara. I…
Introduction: Abu'l Waleed Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Rushd, known as Ave…
Introduction : Yaqub Ibn Ishaq Al-Kindi (800-873 A.D.): Abu Yousuf Yaqub Ibn Ishaq al-…
Introduction: Ahmad ibn Hanbal (164 A.H.-241 A.H.)veryBorn in Baghdad, ibn Hanbal cam…
Imam Shafe'i (150 A.H.-204 A.H.): Introduction: Being raised by a poor family in…
Abu Hanifa (80 A.H.-150 A.H.): Introduction: Abu Hanifa was from Persian descent and w…
Malik ibn Anas (97 A.H.-179 A.H.) Malik ibn Anas was born in the city of Madinah. At …
Introduction: Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) taught theological dogmas to his adherents. He …
CULTURAL: Arabic Poetry: Arabic poetry was rich in eloquence and imagery but it was l…
Supremacy of the Quran and the Sunnah: The Holy Quran enjoins upon the believers to ob…
1: Social Conditions: Arabia was a male-dominated society. Women had no status of any…
Political Conditions: The most notable feature of the political conditions of Arabia …
The Battle of Siffin: The above situation forced Hazrat Ali (R.A.) to march out agai…
The Battle of Camel (Jaml): Soon a full scale war started. Hundreds of Muslims fell on…
Name and Parentage HAZRAT ALI (R.A.) (656-661 A.D.): Hazrat Ali (R.A.) was born some …
Victories: Hazrat Usman (R.A.)reign constituted a glorious period in the history of I…
Allegations against Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A.): Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A.) belonged to t…
Conspiracy of Abdullah bin Saba: He preached his false self-coined beliefs secretly an…
1:Internal issues: The first half of Hazrat Usman's (R.A.) Caliphate was very pea…
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