The Battle of Siffin during the reign of Hazrat Ali (R.A.)

The Battle of Siffin during the reign of Hazrat Ali (R.A.)


The Battle of Siffin:

The above situation forced Hazrat Ali (R.A.) to march out against Syria. A large army Syrians. When Hazrat Muawiyah (R.A.) came to know about Hazrat Ali's (R.A.) advance, he too gathered around Hazrat Ali (R.A.) and 50,000 Muslims came out under his banner to fight the proceeded with a vast army. Hazrat Ali (R.A.) encamped at Siffin, and Amir Muawiyah on the

Hazrat Ali's (R.A.) intention was not to shed Muslim blood in vain. He therefore, again tried on the other side of Siffin.

Pious Caliph of Islam

compromise can be reached and that he was demanding this as a wali of Hazrat Usman (R.A.). (R.A.) again demanded that the assassins of Hazrat Usman (R.A.) must be slain before any and sent a deputation of three men on peace mission to Amir Mu'awiyah (R.A.). Amir Muawiyah

again refused by Hazrat Ali (R.A.) on the ground that he was not able to locate

the real assassins and it would need some time, and that the pledge of loyalty must be taken without any condition.

In the month of Dhul Hijjah 36 A.H., Hazrat Ali (R.A.) ordered his troops to take positions. But there seemed unwillingness to fight on both the sides. Muslims were facing Muslims. However, in the beginning fighting began with single combats followed by light encounters of single battalions. Thus, the whole month of Dhul Hijjah ended without any big fight. When the moon of Muharram appeared Hazrat Ali (R.A.) and Muawiyah made a truce for one month. During this time he again got an opportunity for renewed peace talks. Hazrat Ali (R.A.) sent another mission led by 'Adi bin Hatim Tai to Amir Muawiyah (R.A.). But this time Amir Muawiyah (R.A.) took it as a threat and refused to recognise Hazrat Ali (R.A.) as a khalifah unless he avenged Hazrat Usman's (R.A.) assassination. In this way the last attempt proved to be fruitless.

On the evening of the last day of Muharram, 37 A.H. Hazrat Ali (R.A.) gave orders to his army to attack the Syrian forces because they had been given enough time to think. The war started the following morning. Hazrat Ali (R.A.) gave strict orders that no person should be killed if he left the field or ran away. Women and old people would be secure. Hazrat Amir Muawiyah (R.A.) also gave the same order to his army.

On the first day, a battalion of Hazrat Ali's (R.A.) army, led by Ushtar fought with the Syrians led by Habib bin Muslimah. On the second day, another battalion led by Hashim bin Utbah from Hazrat Ali's (R.A.) side fought with the Syrians led by Abul A'war Salama.

Pious Caliph of Islam

On the third day, the battalion from Hazrat Ali (R.A.) side was led by Hazrat Ammar bin Yasir and the Syrians were led by Amr bin As (R.A.). During the battle Hazrat Ammar bin Yasir (R.A.) was proved that Hazrat Ali (R.A.) was right because of the following hadith mentioned in Bukhari, martyred but no result came out. The martyrdom of Hazrat 'Ammar bin Yasir (R.A.), however, Muslim, Tirmidhi and other authentic books of Hadith. According to this hadith the Holy Prophet Since Hazrat 'Ammar (R.A.) was fighting in favour of Hazrat Ali (R.A.), and was killed by the army of Hazrat Amir Mu'awiyah (R.A.), Hazrat Ali (R.A.) was in the right.

(SAWW) said, "Ammar bin Yasir would be killed by a group of rebels."

For seven days the battle continued in this way. A new battalion used to fight from each side under a new commander. On the eighth day, the whole army of Hazrat Ali (R.A.) clashed with most of the historians, Hazrat 'Ammar bin Yasir (R.A.) was martyred on that day. However, no that of Amir Muawiyah (R.A.). A fierce battle was fought but with no end in sight. According to result came out till the evening. The death of Hazrat 'Ammar bin Yasir (R.A.) was a shock to Hazrat Ali (R.A.).

Amir Muawiyah gave orders to the troops of the front ranks to fasten the Holy Quran to their lances as a sign that war would cease and that the decision would be referred to the Holy Book. Seeing copies of the Holy Quran on lances, many men of his army stopped fighting.

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