Achievements of Hazrat Abu Bakar As-Siddique (R.A)(Part 1)

Achievements of Hazrat Abu Bakar As-Siddique (R.A)(Part 1)

 1.Abu Bakar(R.A.),a Saviour of Islam:

As -Sidique Al Akbar (R.A.)took the office of Caliphate (Kilafat)at the most crucial and critical moment of Islamic history.He (R.A)gave Islam a new life after the death of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW).When He was entrusted with the responsibility to Caliphate,He was threatened by rebellions ,rise of false prophets and apostasy movements .He (R.A.)crushed all the futile powers because of his unshakeable faith.
Reign of Hazrat Abu Bakar As-Siddique (R.A.)

No amount of difficulties could make him deviate from Sunnah of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW).He brought unity among the Muslims and crushed all the rebellions.In view of his great service for the cause of Islam at that critical moment when there was a lot of confusion ,Abu Bakar As-Siddique (R.A)may rightly be called the saviour of Islam.
It was in the time of Hazrat Abu Bakar As-Siddique (R.A.)that Islam started to cross the Arabian borders .A major part of Iraq came under His (R.A.)rule and Muslim armies had captured many important cities of Syria .Thus ,Islam,the Religion of whole mankind,started to be world Religion in His period .
Reign of Hazrat Abu Bakar As-Siddique (R.A.)

2.Collection of the Holy Quran:

One of the greatest service rendered to Islam by Hazrat Abu Bakar As-Siddique (R.A.)was the collection of the Holy Quran.There were hundred of Huffaz among the companions during the life time of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him)but it had not been compiled in book form though its memorization continued after the death of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him).In various battles which took place against rebels and false prophets,a number of Huffaz were martyred.In the battle against Musailimah al-Kadhab,a number of Huffaz had died .
Hazrat Umar (R.A.)said that steps should be taken to preserve the Holy Quran intact in its original form against every kind of danger and it was not wise to depend exclusively upon those who had learnt it by heart.Therefore,He (R.A.)urged Hazrat Abu Bakar As-Siddique (R.A.) to put it in black and white in the form of a book .Other Companions also agree with Hazrat Umar (R.A.) opinion but Hazrat Abu Bakar As-Siddique (R.A.) hesitated in the beginning because it was not done by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) However after some discussion He (R .A.) to it and appointed Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (R. A.)for this work.Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (R.A.)was the best qualified person for this work because he had acted as an amanuensis to the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon Him),and was one of the Companions who had learnt the Holy Quran directly from Him .Moreover,He was also present on the occasion when The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him)recited the whole of The completed Holy Quran to angel Gabriel (A S.)Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (R.A.) adopted the same order if the various chapters of the Holy Book was revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him)
In the complication of the Holy Book a number of prominent companions assisted Him.The compiled copy of the Quran was kept in the house of Umm ul Mu,minin, Hazrat Hafsa (Radi Allah hu Tala anha)who was one of the wives of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) and daughter of Hazrat Umar(R.A.).It was proclaimed that anyone,who desired might make a copy of it or compare with it the copy one already possessed.Hazrat Abu Bakar As-Siddique (R.A.)caliphate lasted for only two years.

  3.Character and piety:

Hazrat Abu Bakar As-Siddique (R.A.)was the most distinguished figure of Islam after the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him).He was mild and gentle but stern when necessary.He was the true embodiment of Islam.Being diligent,wise ,full of wisdom and a great statesman He (R .A) occupies a unique place in the history of Islam.His (R.A)name would remain forever in the minds of Muslims.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him)gave Him the glad tidings of Paradise in these words :."Abu Bakar's name shall be called out from all the gates of Paradise anHe(R.A.)will be the first person of my Ummah (people) to enter it."

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