Musaraf-e-Zakat|Persons entitled to receive Zakat:

Musaraf-e-Zakat|Persons entitled to receive Zakat:

 Literally means of Zakat is 'that which purifies.'It is one of the Islamic fiscal regulatory mechanisms.Zakat benefits the Muslims in the world and hereafter.It ,on the one hand, fulfills the needs of the poor and needy and purifies the riches of the rich.It is a religious Obligation for all Muslims who meet the necessary criteria of wealth .It is not a charitable contribution,is considered to be a tax,or obligatory alms .Zakat is based on income and the value of all of one's possessions.It and s customarily 2.5%of a Muslims total savings and wealth above a minimum amount known as Nisab and the one who is entitled to receive it are called 'Musaraf'in the Holy Quran.

The persons who entitled to receive Zakat.

Persons entitled to receive Zakat:

In ayah 60, Surah Al- Tawba,ALLAH ALMIGHTY has enumerated eight persons entitled to receive the Holy amount of Zakat.
ALLAH ordains:"Zakat expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect (Zakat) and for bringing hearts together (for Islam)and for freeing captives (or slaves)and for those in debt and for the cause of ALLAH and for the stranded traveller-an obligation (imposed) by ALLAH.And ALLAH is knowing and WISE."
Since most people often give their Zakat during Ramadan,the generated statistics of poverty,as at the end of the fast ,assist in channelling some portions of Zakat funds.As part of permanent solution, however,Islam orders every individual of the society to work so that they can satisfy their needs.
Islam believes in the protection of individual dignity and foresees complacent people awaiting Zakat fund.Hence,it straightforwardly condemns begging as well as other illegal means of producing money . Warning against the city consequences ,The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him)said "Whoever asks people for their money so as to get rich,he is asking for flames of fires .Islam establishes Zakat as a compulsory economic drive that can be used for eight purposes.Among them ,five are meant for poverty eradication such as :
  1. The poor 
  2. The needy 
  3. The debtors
  4. The slaves (to free them to captivity)
  5. The travellers in need
Other heads are the administrative cost of Zakat,"those whose hearts are made inclined '(to Islam),and in the way of ALLAH.
Although eight heads for spending Zakat revenue have been mentioned in the Quran,there is general agreement that the first priority n the use of Zakat funds has to be accorded to the alleviation of the poverty through assistance to the poor and the needy .
The Zakat disbursement has the ability to increase the purchasing power parity of the Consequently,in Islam transfer payments,from the wealthy to the poor for the purpose of the fair distribution of wealth and income in the society has taken a central principle in building the Islamic economic structure.
Furthermore, the concept of redistribution is also established by Islam.That and s to say,the Quran and Sunnah have overwhelming evidences which indicate that Islamic system does not recognize any form of concentration of wealth by the few(oligopoly).
Zakat has the following positive impacts on the society.
The persons who entitled to receive Zakat.

  • First,it is for the welfare of the unprivileged of the society.
  • Second,It is the blessing of ALLAH ALMIGHTY for the giver as well as for the receiver,as it improves the total economy of the nation.
  • Third,it establishes a society on a humanitarian ground.
  • Fourth,it removes the economic hardship for the poor and the needy and reduces the inequality among different groups of people from the society.
  • Fifth,It satisfies the recipient's need and alleviates his financial as well as mental sufferings.
  • Sixthly, Zakat creates social equilibrium between the rich and the poor , minimizing social tensions .It bridges the gap between the poor and the rich.
  • Finally,It develops social and economic economic security to the community and brings it's all members close together.In fact, its rewards are boundless.
In Islamic society , institutionalization of Zakat as an economic strategy provides the foundations for sustainable development and good life (Hayat -e- Tayyaba).Zakat is seen as a right of the poor and a debt upon the rich in Islam .The true spirit of Zakat is fair distribution of wealth.It enables the society to draw measures to alleviate poverty.

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